For husband-and-wife team Kurt and Allison D’Aurizio, working with a local lender was the secret ingredient to their rise to success in the bakery...
At Florida Capital Bank, we are proud to lend to small and medium-sized businesses. This financing gives companies opportunities to build, grow and become...
If you are like many successful entrepreneurs, after running your business for many years or perhaps even decades, you find yourself contemplating succession planning....
The value of a business is the price at which willing buyers and sellers consummate a transaction. For a successful transaction to take place,...
Most people are familiar with the investment rule “don’t keep all your eggs in one basket”. Business owners often don’t follow that rule. For...
Let’s start with the basic premise of value creation: Value is created when the return on equity exceeds the cost of equity. The...
What should business owners do to grow the value of their business? Most advice favors increasing sales and enhancing profits. Instead, business owners should...
If you want to create transferable value in your company, focus on moving your business up the mountain of value creation. As a business...
M&A advisors assist owners of privately held companies when buying or selling a business (typically through the purchase or sale of its assets). Like...
There are approximately 6 million companies in the United States with revenues from $1 million to $150 million. Baby boomers own roughly 50% of...