3 Ways Positive Pay Can Prevent Check Fraud | Florida Capital Bank

Check fraud is on the rise due to today’s advanced technology that makes it easier than ever to replicate your checks. Small businesses are especially vulnerable to check fraud. However, there are ways in which you as a business owner can proactively protect yourself and your business from becoming a victim of check fraud. One solution: Positive Pay.

With this service, available for FLCBank business banking accounts, you can have even more control over check transactions between your business and customers or vendors.

Here’s how Positive Pay protects your business finances:

Fraud control
Dramatically reduce the possibility of check fraud. You get enhanced ability to identify and return fraudulent items, including payee name suspects. We work with you to verify that you have actually issued the checks that post to your account.

Check verification
All checks presented for payment are verified, including checks presented at our banking offices. Positive Pay also protects your business against lost or stolen checks and prevents payment of duplicate checks.

You decide whether to pay a check or not
Make decisions about whether to pay or return exception items. Florida Capital Bank’s Online Banking gives you the easy online ability to make decisions about exception items and upload issue information.

Stay a step ahead of criminals who are trying to get in the way of the success of your business by implementing strategies to ensure your protection. Positive Pay is one of the ways you can defend your business and all of the hard work you put into it.